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Deploy a static site with AWS S3

Amazon Web Services is by far the most popular public cloud provider in use right now. One of the marquee services of the platform is the Simple Storage Service, or “S3.” S3 is an object storage API, which essentially just means you can upload and retrieve files using it. Amazon officially supports hosting a static website via Amazon S3, and in this guide we will walk you through setting up all the necessary parts.

Why Would You Do This

This is a very popular option for a few key reasons.

  • It’s cheap. AWS is known for generally being very affordable, especially for file storage and CDN purposes. With this setup and low-to-moderate traffic, we’ll be looking at just a couple dollars per month, worst-case. For a high traffic site, with full-page videos and many assets, we’re still looking at under $100 per month, which is incredible when compared to the cost of hosting the same site on servers yourself.

  • Lower risk. Since there are no servers to maintain, the responsibility of security and stability are offset to Amazon.

  • Ease. With no servers to maintain, you can “set-and-forget”. You don’t need to install updates on a small fleet of Linux machines just to run your static site.

Why Would You Not Do This

While this option has may positives, it also has some downsides.

  • No room to grow. If you want to add more dynamic components, such as a contact form or CMS, you will be out-of-luck in most cases and have to rely on external services. S3 just stores files, nothing more; you can’t run any programming languages or pre-processors without completely re-platforming to “real” servers or something like AWS Lambda.
  • Confusing. There are a lot of moving parts to this setup. AWS isn’t the simplest cloud service, and their UX often leaves a lot to be desired. Understanding each part of this deployment and how it works could be a difficult task to someone unfamiliar with AWS.

As long as you’re comfortable with these pitfalls, then let’s begin!

Before You Begin

There are a couple things you’ll need before embarking on this #serverless journey.

  1. A static site. Hopefully this is obvious, but you’ll need at least a simple HTML file that will serve as the site you are deploying.
  2. An AWS account. Head on over to aws.amazon.com and create an account, filling out your billing information and enabling 2-factor authentication while you’re there.

Creating the Bucket

From the top bar, find “S3” in the giant index of product offerings under “Services”.

From there, click the “Create Bucket” button. Note: bucket names are globally unique across the entire AWS platform – this means you won’t be able to pick something generic like website, you’ll likely need to make it specific, like alex-super-sweet-site. This can be the domain name of your site if you wish, but for the purposes guide it does not matter what it is called.

You don’t need to select a region. Click “Create”.

In the “Properties” pane of the S3 console, expand the “Static Website Hosting"panel and click “Enable Static Website Hosting”. Fill out the “Index document"and “Error document” accordingly (eg., index.html and 5xx.html, respectively). Click “Save”.

We’ll need to instruct AWS to allow public access to our website files, since by default they can only be read by IAM users with access to that bucket. To solve this, we can use a Bucket Policy to change the default permissions on objects we upload.

Expand “Permissions” and click “Add bucket policy”. Enter a policy similar to below:

	 "Version": "2008-10-17",
	 "Statement": [
			"Sid": "AllowPublicRead",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Principal": {
			"AWS": "*"
			"Action": "s3:GetObject",
			"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket-name/*"

Click “Save” and the policy will be verified and applied.

We’re now done configuring the bucket itself. Before we leave, take note of the “Endpoint” under the “Static Website Hosting” section (it should resemble your-bucket-name.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com). We will need this later.

Creating a User

Before we can upload our site, we need permissions to do so. While we could just use our administrative credentials for our current user, the “correct” way is to create a separate user inside of AWS that only has permissions to your site’s bucket; this reduces the risk if someone was to compromise the access keys, as the attacker wouldn’t be able to access anything outside of your site’s bucket.

To set this up, we’ll head back up to that daunting “Services” menu and find our way to “IAM”.

  1. Click on “Users” in the sidebar, and click “Create New Users”.
  2. Enter a username for the user (this can be anything you like); for example, site-deploy. Make sure “Generate an access key for each user” is checked.
  3. Hit “Create”, and you should be presented with an option to “Show User Security Credentials”. You won’t be able to see the Secret Access Key again, so write it down somewhere so you don’t lose it (you can always generate new keys, however, if you do lose it).
  4. Click “Close” twice.

Now click on the user in the list, and head to the “Permissions” tab. By default, an IAM user has no permissions at all.

We’ll need to give this new user permissions to our S3 bucket so it can upload files. We don’t, however, want it to have more permissions than it needs. This ensures that in the event the keys get compromised, they attacker won’t be able to do anything except mess with the one bucket’s files (i.e., they can’t spin up new servers, log into the web console, etc).

We’re going to create an inline custom policy for this user, as that is the simplest way to achieve what we want.

Expand “Inline Policies” and “click here”. Expand “Custom Policy” and click “Select”. Name the policy something like site-deploy-s3-only; the policy itself should look something like this:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": "s3:*",
			"Resource": [

Of course, replacing my-bucket-name with the name of your bucket.

Finally, hit “Validate Policy” to make sure you didn’t make any typos, and then “Apply Policy”.

Uploading our Site

We’re nearly ready to upload our static site to S3. First, we need to install and configure the AWS command-line utility. Alternatively, you could use a GUI application like Panic Transmit, but for this guide we’ll be sticking to the official AWS tools.

Installing the AWS CLI

The AWS CLI is written in Python and thus can be installed simply via pip:

$ sudo pip install awscli

This should work on any UNIX system, including macOS.

If you’re on a distribution of Linux, you may need to install python-pip, or a similarly-named package.

Configure the AWS CLI

Create a folder in your home directory called .aws, and create a file inside called credentials. This is an INI-style file that defines our “profiles”. Fill it out with the credentials for the user we created earlier:


Upload the site files

Now we’re finally ready to upload our site to S3. cd into the directory with your static website (the build output, if you’re using any pre-processors), and use the aws command to sync to S3:

$ aws s3 sync . s3://my-bucket-name

If you didn’t name your profile [default] in the previous step, you’ll need to tell the AWS CLI which profile you want to use. For example, if you named it [mysite]:

$ aws --profile mysite s3 sync . s3://my-bucket-name

A breakdown of what that command does:

  • aws is the AWS CLI
  • s3 is the service we want to use
  • sync will upload any files that have changed (since the bucket is empty, all files have changed)
  • . means the current folder; this is the first of two locations, so it is the source.
  • s3://my-bucket-name indicates to the AWS CLI that this is a bucket; as the second of two locations, this is the destination.

If we load that Endpoint URL we noted back when creating the bucket, we should now get our index.html. You may think “Great, we’re done!”, but we have a couple steps to go still!

Making it memorable

A domain is an essential part of any modern website. As of recently, AWS now provides domain registration via a partnership with Gandi. This means you can get that sweet domain without having to ever leave the AWS complex.

If you already have a domain, just skip the registering part, but follow everything past that.

Head on up to our favourite “Services” menu, and find “Route53”.

Registering a Domain With Route53

Find and navigate to “Registered Domains” in the sidebar, and click “Register Domain”.

Follow the prompts and fill out any information it asks for. It may take a few hours for the domain request to be processed.

Once it is, you’ll have a Hosted Zone appear for it.

Setting Up An Existing Domain

If you already have a domain, we will still need to use Route53 for its DNS. Head to “Hosted Zones” in the sidebar and click “Create Hosted Zone”. Enter the domain name and click “Create”.

In the table, you will have a handful of nameserver addresses. You’ll need to update your domain registrar with these new nameservers. Unfortunately, this is incredibly variable, so check with your registrar on how to do this if you are unsure.

Making it Secure

Pretty much every site these days has SSL. With the advent of HTTP/2, it’s even mandatory! The thought of this may install fear in a lot of you. Perhaps you’ve had to request SSL certificates before, and are loathing the upcoming openssl commands that you have to copy-paste… Fear not!

Amazon, in January 2016, announced their internal SSL registration service, Amazon Certificate Manager. Through this we can provision and configure SSL for our site with just a couple button clicks. The best part: it’s included with every AWS account and is free for as many certificates as you need!

The only downside to this approach is the SSL certificate cannot be exported from AWS, and thus can only be used with AWS services. If you want to move off of AWS or use the certificate for a service outside of AWS’s offerings, you’ll need to generate a new one using traditional methods.

If you wanted, you could provision a certificate using traditional methods, and import it into ACM, instead of provisioning a certificate directly from Amazon. We will leave it as an exercise for the reader if they wish to investigate that avenue.

With that said, let’s get started.

  1. Navigate your way to “Certificate Manager” from the Services menu
  2. Click “Request a certificate”
  3. Add as many domains to the certificate as you need. For most websites, you’ll likely only need the apex domain and the www subdomain version. It’s worth noting that you are able to specify a wildcard subdomain if you are unsure of how many subdomains you’ll need.
  4. Choose a validation method: DNS or Email. DNS is often easier. Follow the instructions given for whatever method you choose.
  5. Click “Review” then “Confirm and request”

Once confirmed, you should now have a valid SSL certificate for use with AWS services! This will become useful in the next section.

Making it fast

We could just CNAME the bucket endpoint to a subdomain and call it a day, but that’s not technically correct (the best kind of correct) so we must do better! We have to add one more service, and that is CloudFront.

CloudFront is Amazon’s global content distribution network. Essentially, it’s a bunch of really fast servers spread around the globe, which your “origin” (S3 bucket) will be propogated to. CloudFront is designed to be extremely scalable, and optimised for very fast reads; whereas S3 isn’t really optimised at all, and is just meant for storing and retieving, not serving to the world.

CloudFront, like S3, is incredibly cheap, so we’ll be getting substatial scalability and speed for very little extra cost.

Creating our Distribution

Head up to that now-familiar “Services” menu and hunt for “CloudFront”.

Hit “Create Distribution”. We’re deploying a website, so under “Web” click “Get Started”.

Note: if we don’t mention a setting here, just leave it at its default value.

  • Origin Settings
    • Origin Domain Name: DO NOT select the S3 bucket from the autocomplete, instead paste in the Endpoint URL from the Static Website Hosting section we noted when configuring the bucket.
  • Default Cache Behaviour
    • Viewer Protocol Policy: Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
  • Distribution Settings
    • Alternate domain names should contain the domains that this bucket should be associated with. Generally, this will just be www.example.com, where example.com is the domain you registered previously.
    • SSL Certificate: select “Custom SSL Certificate” and choose the SSL certificate we registered previously from the dropdown.
    • Custom SSL Client Support: ENSURE this is set to “SNI”! If this option is changed, you will be charged $600USD per month for dedicated servers.
    • Supported HTTP versions: HTTP/2, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/1.0
    • Enable IPv6: yes! Finally, we’ve reached 1999.

Now click “Create Distribution” and go get a coffee and probably lunch as well. CloudFront can take quite a while to set itself up (up to an hour, sometimes).

Adding DNS Records

By this point, we are assuming you have changed your nameservers, or your domain has been registered with Route53. We are now ready to start adding DNS records.

AWS has the concept of an “Alias record”, which just means we can tell Route53 that a particular subdomain refers to an AWS service, and it will automatically map it to IP addresses for us, and update it automatically if they change.

We’ll create one to start, and point it to our CloudFront distribution. Note: the CloudFront distribution has to be in the “Deployed” state before this step. If it is still “InProgress”, wait for it to finish.

Click “Create Record Set”.

  • Name: www
  • Type: “A — IPv4 Address”
  • Alias: Yes
  • Alias Target: click in this field and wait for it to load (it will take several seconds), then choose your CloudFront Distribution.

Click “Save Record Set”. Now our site will be available over IPv4, but if you remember, CloudFront supports IPv6, so we need to add a record for that as well.

Click “Create Record Set”.

  • Name: www
  • Type: “AAAA — IPv6 Address”
  • Alias: Yes
  • Alias Target: click in this field choose your CloudFront Distribution.

Click “Save Record Set”.

In many cases, these changes are nearly immediate, but sometimes it may take a few minutes to take effect.

Once the DNS propogates, you should be able to visit https://www.example.com (where example.com is your domain) and you should be greeted with your static site.

Fixing the Apex Domain

People are inconsistent. We can’t trust all visitors, especially ones who may be manually typing the address, to remember to add www. To combat this, we’ll want to redirect visitors to the “apex domain” (or, as some say, “naked domain”) to our www subdomain. AWS makes this fairly simple with the use of an empty S3 bucket.

First, we’ll set up the bucket:

  1. Navigate to S3 from the Services menu and click “Create Bucket”.
  2. Name the bucket whatever you wish; for example, example-com-apex.
  3. In the “Properties” pane to the right, expand “Static Website Hosting”
  4. Select “Redirect all requests to another host name” and put in www.example.com (where example.com is your domain name).
  5. Before leaving, take note of the “Endpoint” URL that is listed. We will need to use this in the next section.
  6. Click “Save”.

This will work great for HTTP redirects, but our site is HTTPS, so we should support HTTPS as well. One way to accomplish this is via a second CloudFront distribution.

  1. Navigate to CloudFront from the Services menu.
  2. Click “Create Distribution”.
  3. Follow the same steps as in Making it fast, but using the Endpoint URL from our newly-created bucket as the origin, and adding the apex domain as the Alternate Name.
  4. Once that distribution is deployed, add another Alias DNS record, as we did previously, but leaving “Name” blank so it applies to the apex.